9 Most Important Reasons For Staying Unemployed

9 Most Important Reasons For Staying Unemployed


The leading causes for unemployment may vary, but certain issues are the roots of a person staying unemployed for a long time. And in this age of tough competition and everyone only interested in a person’s job qualifications, even the best of knowledge can at times land a genius nowhere.

So instead of spelling out a list of the to do’s to get employed, here is a list that points out the things that might bother the interviewer and the things most of the interviewees don’t even consider a problem.

Lack of In-Demand Skills

Basic unemployment occurs when good jobs are available, but the local workforce lacks the necessary training and skills for hire. Workers can find themselves out of a job for a very extended time if the skills they possess have become out-of-date due to automation and robots taking over jobs that utilise trained workers. In addition, due to the low demand for particular skills, even white-collar workers can face extended periods of unemployment.

Bad communication skills

The way you talk during an interview is quite important. Also, an interview is about your professional character and life; you should not bring your personal life into it. If you discuss too much with the interviewer and bring personal life into the conversation, the interviewer will likely be annoyed.  Always Be confident in what you speak. Take a moment before answering a question, examine what has been asked and then respond. There shouldn’t be any uncertainty in your tone of voice while answering.


When you’re overqualified for a job, you usually have skills or experience that aren’t required for the position. Companies aim to select the best candidate for work based on their degree of experience and qualifications. So they’ll be cautious to hire you for various reasons if they see a CV that displays an excess of capabilities possessed by someone who could be better suited for a higher-level position.

High demands

The interviewer wants to make sure that your salary expectations match the amount they have calculated for the position. If you are asking too much from the get-go, it can limit your chances of moving along through the interview process. Research as much as you can about the potential company’s salary requirements and what they offer and ask accordingly.

Bad resume

A bad resume fails to display your educational and professional history clearly, accurately, and in an easy-to-read way. Recruiters and hiring managers notice unprofessional resumes and link them with a lack of attention to detail.  Incompetent resumes may include features that distract from the content, or the content itself may be overly wordy, vague or confusing. An unclear summary is one of the most important reasons for staying unemployed.


There is no ambiguity that most of us would like to be employed based on our potential, skills, and experiences that would reflect how capable we are of carrying out a specific task. But the fact that our external appearance speaks about our personality. Dressing up inadequately or carelessly may lead to the rejection of the potential employees. Therefore, the first impression being the last impression, the employers or the clients you would be meeting with, mark your overall appearance only first.

Insufficient networking

In the digital world, it is essential to be connecting with the right people at the correct time. Networking has helped many land dream jobs, which was a win-win situation for the employees and the company. If you are not networking enough, you might not be aware of several prospective job availability.

Negative attitude

Inappropriate, negative behaviours can affect the interviewer against even the best resume and skill set. Remember, the interviewer begins evaluating you as a potential employee from the moment you walk in the door. Therefore, be professional from start to finish. Arrive early, dress professionally and give the interviewer your full and undivided attention.

Lack of confidence

Confidence, or lack of it, will have a detrimental impact on your job interview. If you don’t have confidence in yourself, how can a potential employer trust that you will be good at what you do? Low confidence inhibits how you speak about your abilities. It makes others doubt your capabilities and judgment.

These are the few reasons for staying unemployed. With the vast world getting smaller by the day, it is essential to make your mark. And to be employed is a step ahead, by avoiding the mistakes as mentioned above.

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