Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

As you prepare for a job interview, it’s important to anticipate the questions you’ll be asked and come up with thoughtful, well-crafted answers. After all, the interview is your chance to demonstrate your skills and expertise, as well as your passion for the position.

In this blog, we’ll go over some common interview questions and provide tips on how to answer them. By the end, you’ll feel more confident and prepared for your upcoming interview.

Tell me about yourself

“Tell me about yourself” is often the first question asked in a job interview, and it’s an opportunity for you to make a strong first impression on your interviewer. Here are some tips on how to answer this question effectively:

  1. Keep it concise: Your answer should be brief and to the point. Focus on the most relevant information that pertains to the job you’re applying for.
  2. Highlight your experience: Briefly mention your professional experience and qualifications that are relevant to the job. You can also include any notable achievements or awards that demonstrate your expertise in your field.
  3. Showcase your personality: Along with your experience and qualifications, your interviewer wants to get to know you as a person. Mention a few personal qualities that make you a good fit for the job, such as your strong work ethic, communication skills, or attention to detail.
  4. Tie it into the job: Make sure to tie your answer into the job you’re applying for. Mention why you’re interested in the position and how your skills and experience align with the job requirements.
  5. Practice, practice, practice: Finally, make sure to practice your answer before the interview. You don’t want to sound scripted, but you also don’t want to stumble over your words. Practice delivering your answer in a confident and natural way.

What are your strengths?

“What are your strengths?” is a common interview question, and it’s important to approach it strategically. Here are some tips on how to answer this question effectively:

  1. Focus on relevant strengths: Your answer should focus on strengths that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Look at the job description and identify the key skills and qualities that are required for the position. Then, choose a few strengths that align with those requirements.
  2. Give specific examples: Simply stating your strengths isn’t enough; you need to back them up with specific examples. Think of times when you demonstrated your strengths in a professional setting, and be prepared to share those examples during the interview.
  3. Use the STAR method: When sharing your examples, use the STAR method to structure your answers. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Describe the situation or task, explain what action you took, and share the positive result that came from your actions.
  4. Tie it into the job: Make sure to tie your strengths into the job you’re applying for. Explain how your strengths will be valuable in the position, and how they can help you contribute to the company’s success.
  5. Avoid cliches: Be creative and avoid using cliches when describing your strengths. Instead of saying you’re a “team player” or “detail-oriented,” use specific examples and descriptive language to demonstrate your strengths.

What are your weaknesses?

“What are your weaknesses?” is a tricky interview question that requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here are some tips on how to answer this question effectively:

  1. Be honest: It’s important to be honest when discussing your weaknesses. However, you also want to avoid mentioning weaknesses that could disqualify you from the job. Instead, focus on weaknesses that you’re actively working to improve.
  2. Discuss how you’re working to improve: Instead of simply stating your weakness, discuss how you’re actively working to improve upon it. For example, if you struggle with public speaking, talk about how you’ve been taking courses or practising in front of friends and colleagues.
  3. Show self-awareness: Employers want to hire candidates who are self-aware and able to identify areas for improvement. By discussing your weaknesses, you’re showing that you’re reflective and able to acknowledge your limitations.
  4. Tie it into the job: Make sure to tie your weaknesses into the job you’re applying for. Explain how you’re actively working to improve upon your weaknesses, and how your strengths make you a good fit for the job.
  5. End on a positive note: Finally, end your answer on a positive note. Reiterate your strengths and how they outweigh your weaknesses, and express your enthusiasm for the job and how you can contribute to the company’s success.

Why do you want to work for our company?

“Why do you want to work for our company?” is a common interview question that allows the interviewer to gauge your level of interest and enthusiasm for the job and the company. Here are some tips on how to answer this question effectively:

  1. Do your research: Before the interview, research the company and the job you’re applying for. Look for information about the company’s culture, mission, and values, as well as recent news or developments that may be relevant.
  2. Highlight what appeals to you: When answering the question, highlight specific aspects of the company that appeal to you. This could be the company’s mission, culture, products or services, or reputation in the industry.
  3. Connect your goals with the company: Explain how your career goals and values align with the company’s mission and culture. Talk about how you see yourself contributing to the company’s success and how the job can help you achieve your career objectives.
  4. Give examples: Use specific examples to illustrate why you want to work for the company. For example, if the company is known for its innovation, mention a recent product or service that impressed you.
  5. Avoid generic answers: Avoid generic or cliché answers, such as “I want to work for a successful company” or “I want to gain experience.” Instead, be specific and demonstrate your knowledge of the company.

What are your salary expectations?

“What are your salary expectations?” is a common interview question that can be tricky to answer. Here are some tips on how to approach this question effectively:

  1. Do your research: Before the interview, research the typical salary range for the job and industry you’re applying for. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and help you answer the question more confidently.
  2. Consider your experience and qualifications: Your salary expectations should be based on your experience, qualifications, and the responsibilities of the job. If you have relevant experience and qualifications, you can reasonably expect to be compensated accordingly.
  3. Be flexible: While it’s important to have a salary range in mind, it’s also important to be flexible. Depending on the company’s budget and other factors, they may not be able to offer the exact salary you’re expecting. Consider other factors, such as benefits and opportunities for growth, when evaluating the offer.
  4. Delay the answer: If you’re not comfortable giving a specific salary expectation, you can delay the answer by saying something like “I’m open to negotiation” or “I’d like to learn more about the position before discussing salary.”
  5. Provide a range: If you’re comfortable giving a salary range, make sure it’s reasonable based on your research and qualifications. Make sure to also explain the reasoning behind your range, such as your experience and qualifications.


Preparing for common interview questions is essential to help you stand out and increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams. By understanding how to effectively answer questions like “Tell me about yourself,” “What are your strengths,” “What are your weaknesses,” and “Why do you want to work for our company,” you can confidently showcase your skills, experience, and enthusiasm during the interview process.

At TCM Solutions, we understand the importance of interview preparation and supporting candidates in their job search journey. Our team of career experts and resources are here to help you succeed. From providing tips on answering tough interview questions to offering personalized coaching and getting job, we are dedicated to helping you put your best foot forward. With our assistance, you can confidently navigate the interview process and secure the job you’ve been working towards.

Remember, a successful interview is within your reach. Prepare, practice, and let us be your partner in helping you land the job that aligns with your skills and career goals. Your dream job is just an interview away, and we’re here to help you make it a reality.